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IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones, depositary receipt
US4500472042, IRS

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IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones, país — Argentina
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Fuente de información – “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P. La difusión posterior de la información bursátil está prohibida sin acuerdo previo con “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P.
Fuente de información – “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P. La difusión posterior de la información bursátil está prohibida sin acuerdo previo con “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P.
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800 000

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80 000


9 000


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As a company engaged in real estate investments, IRSA is the largest of its kind in the Argentine market and the only Argentine real estate company listed in the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange and the NYSE. ...
As a company engaged in real estate investments, IRSA is the largest of its kind in the Argentine market and the only Argentine real estate company listed in the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange and the NYSE. Its main business units are: - Office Rentals: Purchases, development and management of AAA Office buildings - Luxury Hotels: Purchases and development of luxury Hotels - Residential Undertakings: Development of residential complexes through the IRSA-Cyrela vehicle - Land Reserves: acquisition of lands to be held in reserve for Future Developments - Shopping Centers: Development, acquisition and operation of Shopping Centers

Estados Financieros NIIF / US GAAP



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