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General Shopping Brasil, ordinary share

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General Shopping Brasil, país — Brasil
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Fuente de información – “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P. La difusión posterior de la información bursátil está prohibida sin acuerdo previo con “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P.
Fuente de información – “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P. La difusión posterior de la información bursátil está prohibida sin acuerdo previo con “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P.
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800 000

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One of the largest shopping center operators in Brazil's south-eastern and southern regions. GSB is a strong regional player, and its operations are primarily located in Brazil's south-eastern and southern regions. GSB is particularly well positioned ...
One of the largest shopping center operators in Brazil's south-eastern and southern regions. GSB is a strong regional player, and its operations are primarily located in Brazil's south-eastern and southern regions. GSB is particularly well positioned in the Sao Paulo State, an area that represents approximately 31% and 33% of Brazil's GDP and retail market, respectively. The company is the market leader in the city of Sao Paulo. The company's business position is sustainable in the near to medium term due to the location of its high quality assets, well-distributed tenant portfolio, and stable cash-flow generation. The company is the fifth largest Brazilian shopping center operator in terms of gross leasable area with 225,399 m2 and 190,100 m2 of total gross leasable area and owned gross leasable area, respectively, at the end of June 2010. The company's mall portfolio serves middle-class customers.
  • Emisor
  • Nombre completo del deudor / emisor
    General Shopping Brasil SA
  • Industria
    Bienes inmuebles y los fondos inmobiliarios

Estados Financieros NIIF / US GAAP

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