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Portland General Electric, ordinary share
US7365088472, POR

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Portland General Electric, país — Estados Unidos
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Fuente de información – “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P. La difusión posterior de la información bursátil está prohibida sin acuerdo previo con “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P.
Fuente de información – “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P. La difusión posterior de la información bursátil está prohibida sin acuerdo previo con “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P.
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Portland General Electric Company (PGE) is a vertically integrated electric utility engaged in the generation, purchase, transmission, distribution and retail sale of electricity in the state of Oregon. The Company’s energy requirement is met with both ...
Portland General Electric Company (PGE) is a vertically integrated electric utility engaged in the generation, purchase, transmission, distribution and retail sale of electricity in the state of Oregon. The Company’s energy requirement is met with both company owned generation and power purchased in the wholesale market. PGE also participates in the wholesale market by purchasing and selling electricity and natural gas in order to manage its net variable power costs (NVPC). PGE’s state-approved service area allocation of approximately 4,000 square miles is located entirely within Oregon and includes 52 incorporated cities, including Portland and Salem. As of December 31, 2009, the Company served a total of 815,739 retail customers. During the year ended December 31, 2010, the Company’s service area population was 1.7 million, consisting approximately 44% of the state’s population; added 4,937 customers, and served a total of 820,676 retail customers.
  • Emisor
  • Nombre completo del deudor / emisor
    Portland General Electric Company
  • Industria
    Energía electrica
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