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Kiwi Property Group, ordinary share

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Kiwi Property Group, país — Nueva Zeelanda
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Fuente de información – “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P. La difusión posterior de la información bursátil está prohibida sin acuerdo previo con “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P.
Fuente de información – “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P. La difusión posterior de la información bursátil está prohibida sin acuerdo previo con “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P.
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Kiwi Property is the largest listed property company on the New Zealand Stock Exchange. We’ve been around for more than 20 years and we proudly own and manage a $2.3 billion portfolio of real estate, comprising ...
Kiwi Property is the largest listed property company on the New Zealand Stock Exchange. We’ve been around for more than 20 years and we proudly own and manage a $2.3 billion portfolio of real estate, comprising some of New Zealand’s best shopping centres and prime office buildings. Founded in 1992 we listed on the New Zealand stock Exchange in December 1993 as Kiwi Income Property Trust, New Zealand's first listed property trust. In December 2013, we internalised our management and in December 2014, we moved from a trust to a company structure. At the same time we changed our name to Kiwi Property. Kiwi Property invests only in New Zealand real estate, currently owning a portfolio of 12 core retail and office assets located across the country. Our objective, which has served investors well for the past two decades, has not changed: we remain committed to providing investors with a secure, reliable investment in New Zealand property, and we will continue to target superior risk-adjusted returns over time through the ownership and active management of a diversified, high-quality portfolio.
  • Emisor
  • Nombre completo del deudor / emisor
    Kiwi Property Group
  • Industria
    Bienes inmuebles y los fondos inmobiliarios

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