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Hopson Development Holdings, ordinary share
BMG4600H1198, 0754

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Hopson Development Holdings, país — Hong Kong
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Fuente de información – “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P. La difusión posterior de la información bursátil está prohibida sin acuerdo previo con “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P.
Fuente de información – “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P. La difusión posterior de la información bursátil está prohibida sin acuerdo previo con “Bolsa de Moscú”, S.A.P.
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Hopson Development Holdings Limited (Hopson Development) entered into the property industry in 1992 and its shares have been listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) since 1998 (Stock code: 754). ...
Hopson Development Holdings Limited (Hopson Development) entered into the property industry in 1992 and its shares have been listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) since 1998 (Stock code: 754). Hopson Development is a major property conglomerate that focuses on a wide range of property developments such as residential property, commercial property and hotel property, and the tourist and vacation business and property management business. Since 1993, Hopson Development has actively participated in a substantial reform and reconstruction, program initiating large-scale investment by a Hong Kong property group in the property market of Mainland China. In little more than a decade, Hopson Development implemented its development strategies in district centres involving a range of brands, and has cultivated more than 30 projects in major cities such as Guangzhou, Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai. It has become one of the largest property developers with the best performance in Mainland China, having the largest scale of development and greatest number of property owners, and has established its leading position in the industry.
  • Emisor
  • Nombre completo del deudor / emisor
    Hopson Development Holdings Limited
  • Industria
    Construcción de edificios
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