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Organización: Sino-Forest

Se ha anunciado default para los bonos del emisor en el año 2012
Nombre de la empresa
Sino-Forest Corporation
Nombre del país
País de registro
Industria madedera y papelera
Deuda de bonos

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800 000

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Más de 400

fuentes de precios

80 000


9 000


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Sino-Forest Corporation (Sino-Forest) is a commercial forestry plantation operator in the People’s Republic of China. The company is based in Mississauga, Canada. Formed in 1994, Sino-Forest is now the largest forest operator in China. The company owns and manages about 434,000 hectares of plantation trees in China and derives most of its revenue from there, selling wood products needed for infrastructure investment and the housing market. The company has a market capitalization of just over $3 billion. As of June 30, 2009, Sino-Forest had 434,000 hectares of trees under management and over 900,000 hectares of trees available to be acquired under our five long-term master agreements. The company expects to benefit from China's stimulus plan which called for further infrastructure development, rebuilding of Sichuan and building of low-income housing for rural areas.




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