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Eurobonos: Kuveyt Turk Participation Bank, 5.250% 24aug2013, USD (XS0536045361)

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Volumen de emisión
100.000.000 USD
Vencimiento (oferta)
*** (-)
Interés acumulado en
País de riesgo
Tasa de rendimiento actual
Rentabilidad / duración
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  • Volumen de colocación
    100.000.000 USD
  • Volumen en circulación
    100.000.000 USD
  • Monto mínimo de negociación
    100.000 USD
  • ISIN RegS
  • Common Code RegS
  • CFI RegS
  • FIGI RegS
  • Ticker
    KFINKK 5.25 08/24/13 REGS

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Cotizaciones históricas

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Información de la emisión

Kuveyt Turk is a Participation Bank established in 1989 to operate in accordance with terms set forth by the Council of Ministers' Decree dated Dec. 16, 1983 and no. 831/7506. Until they become subject to the ...
Kuveyt Turk is a Participation Bank established in 1989 to operate in accordance with terms set forth by the Council of Ministers' Decree dated Dec. 16, 1983 and no. 831/7506. Until they become subject to the Banking Law in 1999, activities of Special Finance Houses were conducted by Council of Ministers Decrees on the one hand and by Directives of the Central Bank and the Undersecretariat of Treasury on the other hand. Starting from December 1999, Kuveyt Turk has become subject to the Banking Law no. 4389 just as other Special Finance Houses. Shareholders of Kuveyt Turk are Kuwait Finance House (62%), Kuveyt Social Security Institution (9%), Islamic Development Bank (9%), General Directorate of Associations Turkey (18%), and other shareholders (2%). The Kuveyt Finance House, which is the largest shareholder of Kuveyt Turk with its 62 % share, is a giant finance institution of Kuveyt with its outstanding asset volume and contemporary and pioneering banking services. Kuveyt Turks objective is to bring diligence to the interest-free banking system, research fields of investment and introduce contemporary, reliable, rapid and high quality services to its customers with very qualified staff members. It is proud to take fast service of high quality through its branch offices, alternative delivery channels and correspondent banks within and outside the country employing all state-of-the art technological facilities to the depositors and investors. Kuveyt Turk has reached to the level of leading banks in Turkey in respect of capital adequacy. Kuveyt Turk, which converts the savings of its customers who are profit and loss sharers into sound and profitable investments on the most profitable sectors and creates new employment facilities by providing resources to the real sector and thus, making significant contributions to the economy of the country, has been awarded gold, silver and bronze medals on various dates by public institutions and trade associations such as the Undersecretariat of Treasury and Foreign Trade, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and Istanbul Ready Made Garment Exporters' Association for the success it has shown in the field of exports. Kuveyt Turk, in parallel to its vision of becoming an international finance house, is preparing to open branch and representative offices abroad as well. The 2000s, which is an age of Information Technology, compel the finance houses to operate in a more technology intensive manner. Kuveyt Turk has established the information and technology infrastructure required at the highest level. It offers all banking services through Electronic Banking and Alternative Delivery channels in the best way. Together with VISA credit card and the Palmiye Installment Shopping Card services, POS and member merchant services, Internet banking, call center, interactive voice response system and SMS banking services are presented continuously. The permanent change project aiming at carrying the modern management techniques and management and service concept of the 2000s to the body of the company with the young and dynamic service staff, almost all of whom are university graduates and experts in their fields and expert consulting staff, its sound capital structure and economic power, make Kuveyt Turk the leader of the Participation Banks in Turkey.
  • Volumen de colocación
    100.000.000 USD
  • Volumen en circulación
    100.000.000 USD
Valor nominal
  • Monto mínimo de negociación
    100.000 USD
  • Valor nominal no amortizado
    *** USD
  • Múltiplo
    *** USD
  • Valor nominal
    1.000 USD
  • Listado

Parámetros del flujo de caja

  • Tasa de referencia
  • Tasa del cupón
  • Base de cálculo de interés acumulado
  • Fecha de devengo de intereses
  • Frecuencia del cupón
    *** veces al año
  • Moneda de pagos
  • Fecha de vencimiento

Flujo de caja

Los cálculos se basan en el monto mínimo de negociación

Términos de rescate anticipado


explore la más completa base de datos

800 000

bonos globalmente

Más de 400

fuentes de precios

80 000


9 000


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  • ISIN RegS
  • Cbonds ID
  • Common Code RegS (código común RegS)
  • CFI RegS
  • FIGI RegS
  • Ticker
    KFINKK 5.25 08/24/13 REGS
  • Tipo de valor según el BCR


Clasificación de bonos

  • Rango: Undefined
  • Registered
  • Bonos de cupón
  • Sukuk
  • Amortización
  • Rescatable
  • CDO
  • Bonos convertibles
  • Bono en doble divisa
  • Tasa variable
  • Para los inversores cualificados (Rusia)
  • Bonos extranjeros
  • Green bonds (bonos verdes)
  • Garantizados
  • Valor nominal indexado a la inflación
  • Emisiones de organizaciones internacionales
  • Cupón indexado a la inflación
  • Bonos respaldados por hipotecas
  • Perpetuo
  • Payment-in-kind (pago en especie)
  • Emisiones ajenas al mercado
  • Vencimiento vinculado
  • Reestructuración
  • Bonos minoristas
  • Bonos con cobertura
  • Títulización
  • Productos estructurados
  • Bonos comerciales
  • Subordinados
  • Trace-eligible



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